Captain's Picks 9.27.2017

Marvel Pick of the Week:

Marvel Legacy #1
What Previews said:
(W) Jason Aaron (A) Esad Ribic & Various (CA) Joe Quesada
EVERYTHING STARTS HERE! It begins at the dawn of the human race, and ends with a child's prayer! In between, empires fall, mysteries brew, secrets are revealed, quests are undertaken and legends are forged! All leading up to the dramatic return you've been waiting for - and one you've been dreading! Jason Aaron (MIGHTY THOR) and Esad Ribic (SECRET WARS) usher in a new dawn - one whose rays will touch every corner of the Marvel Universe in the days to come! MARVEL LEGACY: It's everything you've been longing for - and more! One-Shot Rated T+
What Red Shirt Comics said:
Where the past and the future are one. Things move forward, while legacies are restored.
Wow. This book IS Marvel Comics. Such a treat.
DC Pick of the Week:

Detective Comics #965
What Previews said:
(W) James TynionIV (A/CA) Eddy Barrows
"A Lonely Place Of Living" part one! It's the story you've demanded: Where in the world (or otherwise) is Tim Drake? Red Robin faces a crossroads...escape the most devious prison ever devised, or find himself abandoned beyond time and space for all eternity! Not much of a choice, right? But when he finds out just who is locked in there with him, Tim's world will change in ways he never imagined! This is one of the biggest stories of the REBIRTH era, setting the stage for an explosive DETECTIVE COMICS epic!
What Red Shirt Comics said:
If you're reading the Oz Effect story in Action Comics or you care about Tim Drake Robin, then you NEED this book. Detective has been doing a GREAT job of being a catch all for stories of the bat family, it's about time it caught up with Tim. Where has he been?? Why has he been off the board?? Tynion is putting together a nice arc with a cool group of B-listers with Barrows doing a solid job rocking out the art. While his style is a bit pedestrian at times, it makes up for it with some pretty dynamic layouts and fresh storytelling. This book works at every level.
Other Pick of the Week:

The Beautiful Death #1
What Previews said:
(W) Jim Zub (A/CA) Djibril Morissette-Phan
Kaydon Klay wants to be famous. She wants it more than anything else she's ever known. The dream is hers for the taking, and all she has to do is embrace the national tragedy that's put her in the spotlight... Fan-favorite writer JIM ZUB (WAYWARD, Uncanny Avengers) and artist DJIBRIL MORISSETTE-PHAN (All-New Wolverine, Ultimates) continue their twisted exploration of fame and failure. The entertainment industry feeds on our insecurities, desires, and fears. You can't toy with those kinds of primal emotions without them biting back.
What Red Shirt Comics said:
Other Pick of the Week:

The Infinite Loop: Nothing But The Truth #1
What Previews said:
(W) Pierrick Colinet, Elsa Charretier (A) Daniele Di Nicuolo (CA) Elsa Charretier
The Infinite Loop is back with a new self-contained story, a perfect jumping-on point for new readers! Twin Peaks-creepiness collides with Orwell's 1984-dystopian madness in this sci-fi mini series, as Teddy is sent back in time in a little town where people are addicted to lies.
What Red Shirt Comics said: