Captain's Picks 11.29.2017
DC Pick of the Week: Mystik U #1 (of 3) $5.99 What Previews said: (W) Alisa Kwitney (A) Mike Norton (CA) Julian Totino Tedesco Leave the...

Captain's Picks 11.01.2017
Marvel Pick of the Week: Captain America #695 $3.99 What Previews said: (W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Chris Samnee HOME OF THE BRAVE Part 1 HOME...

Captain's Picks 10.25.2017
Marvel Pick of the Week: Black Panther #166 $3.99 What Previews said: (W) Ta-Nehisi Coates (A) Leonard Kirk (CA) Brian Stelfreeze KLAW...

Captain's Picks 9.27.2017
Marvel Pick of the Week: Marvel Legacy #1 $5.99 What Previews said: (W) Jason Aaron (A) Esad Ribic & Various (CA) Joe Quesada EVERYTHING...